Friday, February 28, 2014

Ecological Niche Concept

                                         Ecological niche is a term used to denote the position of a species within an ecosystem. The term includes all of the interactions between a species and the biotic and abiotic environments. It is the functional role/position of an organism within an ecological community. The term ecological niche was coined by the naturalist Joseph Grinnell in 1917.
                                        Ecological niche is the total way of life of a species or functional role (its profession) in an ecosystem. It involves all the physical, chemical and biological conditions. Niche focuses on the environmental factors that influence growth, survival and reproduction of a species.
                                       At present an ecological niche is characterized in relation to 3 principal axes that combine most of the relevant variables of the environment: a habitat axis (climatic and physico-chemical variables), a trophic axis (feeding relationships) and a temporal axis (mode of use of food resources and of land cover as a function of time).

Definition of niche concept

Charles Elton (1927) defined niche as the status of an organism in its community to indicate what is doing and not merely what it looks like.
Hutchinson (1944-58) defined niche as the sum of all the environmental factors acting on the organism.
Odum (1971) defined the niche of a species as its role in the ecosystem. He referred the habitat as address of the species and niche as the profession of a species.
Difference between habitat and niche
Habitat is the living place of an organism. In other words habitat is a suitable environment or habitable place for a species.
But niche is the role of a species in a community and also its relationship with its environment. Niche is the ecological function of a species.

Objective of niche concept

The niche concept was formulated to determine the role of organisms in a community (Hutchinson, 1957).

Types of niches

Fundamental niche – a species’ niche is usually less extensive, when competitors and predators present. Its niche in the absence of these organisms is known as its fundamental niche.
Realized niche – It is the portion of the fundamental niche that a species actually occupies.
Functional niche – refers to a species position in food webs and trophic chains.
Spatial niche – the niche occupied by a species is favourable to it because it furnishes a suitable substratum and microclimate to it.
Trophic niche – two species living in the same habitat, may have different food habits. For example elephant, rabbit and deer are three types of herbivores living in a forest habitat. But each of them occupies different trophic niches. Elephant feeds on large trees; deer feeds on shrubs and rabbit feeds on herbs and grasses.
Ecological niche - the position of a species in a community.
Food niche - the food choice of a species in a trophic level.
Time niche -animals tend to be active at different times of the day e.g.,diurnal/nocturnal.
Place niche -different species foraging in different ways and in different places.

Joseph Grinnell’s concept (1917) of niche as habitat

Grinnell referred niche as an organism’s physical environment. It is the ultimate distributional unit. No two species in the same general territory can occupy the same ecological niche for long time. Grinnell’s niche is now referred as spatial niche.

Eltonian’s concept (1927) of niche as functional unit

Charles Elton defined the niche as the ecological role the organism plays in the community. He considered niche as its occupation. It refers to how an organism transforms energy, behaves, responds to and modifies its physical and biotic environment.

Hutchinson’s concept (1957) of niche as multidimensional hypervolume space

Hutchinson suggested that niche could be modelled as an imaginary space with many dimensions. Each dimension or axis represents the range of an environmental condition or resource that is required by the species i.e. abiotic or environmental factors axis, food resource axis and function of time axis.
Niche overlap – the degree to which two species share niche space. This is assumed to be proportional to the degree of competition. In the absence of competition, niches do not overlap. But under intense competition, there is greater overlap.
Niche breadth – it is a product of niche overlap. The narrower the niche, the more specialized the species.
Niche separation – It is the distance between the mean resource use curves for two species. It may be close or far.

Significance of ecological niches

1.    By occupying different spatial or trophic niches, animals escape from competition.
2.    The niche occupied by a species is favourable to it because it contributes a suitable substratum and microclimate.
3.    The segregation of each species into different niches permits the full exploitation of the available resources.
4.    The segregation into niches avoids confusion of activities between organisms in the community. It gives more orderly and efficient life patterns for each species.

5.    Overlapping niches leads to competition between two species and in the competition one species will be replaced by another – competitive exclusion principle.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Natural resource management

Natural resources are derived from the environment. People depend on natural resources for their survival. Natural resources can be the land, the soil, the water, the air, the plants and the animals. All life on earth depends on four vital natural resources such as air, water, soil and sunlight.  Some resources that can be replaced after use by natural processes are called renewable. The common examples include air, water, soil, living organisms and sunlight.  Natural resources that cannot be replaced are termed non-renewable. Fossil fuels are an example of non-renewable natural resources. Non-renewable resources exist in a fixed amount and can be replaced by processes that take millions of years. Extracting, processing and using natural resources create pollution of air, water and land. But sustainable conservation is using natural resources wisely and not contributing to any environmental pollution.

Definition of natural resource

A resource is a form of matter or energy which is essential for the functioning of organisms, populations and ecosystems.
In other words, natural resources are the materials or substances obtained from nature which are required for the survival and prosperity of human beings.

Types of natural resources

Natural resources can be classified on the basis of their origin as abiotic and biotic resources.
Abiotic resources are derived from the non-living world. e.g. land, water, air.
Biotic resources are derived from living organisms. E.g. fish, forests.
Natural resources are mostly classified on the basis of their continual utility as renewable and non-renewable resources.
Renewable natural resources – Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished naturally in a short period of time. These resources are inexhaustible in supply. These resources have the ability to regenerate within a few years or decades. Renewable resources are vulnerable to human abuse. E.g. freshwater, oxygen, trees and fish. Renewable natural resources can be either organic (e.g. plant and animal species) or inorganic renewable natural resources (e.g. water, air)
Non-renewable natural resources – A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made or re-grow at a scale comparable to its consumption. They are fixed in quantity and can be depleted. They take very long time to form. The replenishment time may range from 100s to million years.  The extraction of non-renewable resources always damages the environment. Coal, oil and natural gas are considered non-renewable because they take million of years to form. They are the product of the fossilized remains of dead plants and animals that have been exposed to heat and pressure deep within the earth’s crust. Hence these resources are called fossil fuels. E.g. metals, minerals and fossil fuels.
Non-renewable natural resources can be subdivided into recyclable and non-recyclable resources.
Recyclable natural resources are those that can be collected after their use and can be recycled for future requirements. E.g. metals.
Some natural resources are called non-recyclable because they cannot be recycled after their use. E.g.fossil fuels, natural energy.
All natural resources can also be classified on the basis of their natural amounts of availability into two categories:
1.    Inexhaustible natural resources
2.     Exhaustible natural resources
Inexhaustible natural resources are available in huge amounts in the nature and are replenished after their consumption.  E.g. solar energy, wind power, rain fall, tidal power and hydropower.
Exhaustible natural resources are available in limited amounts in the nature and are not replenished at the same rate as consumption. E.g. fossil fuels, metals and minerals.
Natural resources can also be classified into potential and actual natural resources based on their stage of development.
1.    Potential natural resources
2.     Actual natural resources
Potential natural resources – are the resources which are found in a region whose quality and quantity have not been determined for utilization. They can be used only in the future. E.g.  Distribution of mineral oil wealth in India.
Actual natural resources – are the resources whose quality and quantity have been determined for utilization and are being used in the present time. E.g. availability of oil and natural gas from Mumbai offshore region.
Flow natural resources – It does not remain in one location and moves about because of natural actions in the physical environment. It is replaced by natural processes whether humans use them or not. The quantity is expressed in annual rates. E.g. solar energy, freshwater, waves and tides.
Stock natural resources – It can be permanently expended and whose quantity is usually expressed in absolute amounts. E.g. coal and petroleum deposits.

Forest resources

Forests are a highly valuable and most abundant resource. They are diverse in composition and density. Forests cover about 30% of the earth’s surface. They are inhabited by a variety life forms.  Forests have warm climate with adequate rainfall.  Forests have tall and dense trees with many wild animals. The soil of the forests is rich in organic matter and nutrients. Forests play a major role in the water cycle, which includes circulation, transformation and replenishment of freshwater from all of earth’s ecosystems. Forests are essential for the conservation of biodiversity, water and soil resources. Forests contribute substantially to the economic development of a country. Forests are usually defined as land areas dominated by trees, where the tree canopy covers at least 10% of the ground area.  A healthy forest is composed of many more unique ecosystems. Over two – thirds of known land-based species live in forests.  In other words forests are home to 50-90% of earth’s species. In many countries, forests are the primary targets for agricultural and urban expansion.
Importance of forests
Forests are an important renewable natural resource.  Forests are the natural wealth of a country. They are the store houses of biodiversity. Forests provide various goods and services and also maintain the life-support systems of the  earth. Forests provide approximately 1.6 billion people with food, medicines, fuel and other basic necessities. Forests have the following three types of functions:
1.    Productive functions – Forests yield timber, bamboos, food and a variety of products such as alkaloids, essential oils, resins, latex, rubber and medicines.
2.    Protective functions – Forests conserve soil and water. They prevent drought and protect against wind, cold, heat, radiation and noise.
3.    Regulative functions – Forests absorb, store and release gases, water, minerals and sun light. They regulate floods, droughts and biogeochemical cycles.
Deforestation is the direct human-induced conversion of forest to non-forest land use such as agriculture, grazing or urban/industrial development. Deforestation is defined as the destruction of forest due to over-cutting of trees.
Effects of deforestation
Deforestation causes irreversible environmental damage. Deforestation accelerates extinction of plants,  animals and microbes. Deforestation disrupts cloud formation and rainfall. Deforestation threatens the livelihoods of tribal communities.
Deforestation increases soil erosion and decreases soil fertility. Deforestation increases greenhouse gases and warming of the environment.
Conservation and management of forests
An increase in forest area is initiated by  the following ways:
1.    Afforestation programmes- planting of trees on land that was not previously forested.
2.    Reforestation programmes- re-establishment of forest formation.
3.    Conservation of reserve forests - forests are protected in National parks, Sanctuaries, Sacred Grooves and Biosphere reserves.
4.    Chipko movement – This tree hugging movement was first started in Tehri Garhwal district in Uttarkhand in 1972. The movement was popularized by Sunderlal Bahuguna . Under this campaign, people started hugging trees whenever forest contractors tried to cut the trees.
5.    Production or commercial forestry – includes three programmes i.e. social forestry, agro forestry and urban forestry.

Mineral resources

Minerals are a major form of non-renewable resource. A rock is an aggregate of minerals. Minerals are formed over a period of millions of years in the earth’s crust. Mineral are naturally occurring inorganic compounds of definite chemical composition and characteristic physical properties.
A mineral can be defined as a pure element or chemical compound that is normally crystalline and that has been formed as a result of geological processes.
 There are more than 3,500 known minerals. Minerals range in composition from pure elements and simple salts to very complex silicates. The study of minerals is called mineralogy. Global distribution of minerals is not uniform. Minerals can be grouped into two broad categories:
1.    Metallic minerals – These mineral are found in the form of ores. The metal ores contain several impurities. E.g. iron, copper, gold and lead.
2.    Non-metallic minerals – these minerals are composed of elements like silicon, oxygen, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminium etc. E.g  quartz, graphite, feldspar, dolomite, calcite, laterite, diamonds, sulphur, potash, salts, coal and petroleum.
Conservation of mineral resources
1.    Recycling – minerals in products can be recycled.
2.    Reuse – the reuse products more economical
3.    Substitution – scarce minerals can be substituted with more abundant minerals.
4.    Decreased consumption – consumers can decrease their mineral consumption.
5.    Use of industrial waste – one industry may use the waste products of another industry.

Water resources

Water is a renewable and limiting resource. It covers approximately 71% of the planet earth and constitutes 60-70 weight % of the living world. About 97.5 percent of the water on earth is strongly saline (sea water) the remaining 2.5 percent is freshwater. Pure, usable freshwater is only 0.3 percent.  Freshwater is therefore, a treasure to protect and conserve.  Water is a unique molecule because it is the only natural substance that exists in three physical states like liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam) on earth.   Water is often referred to as a universal solvent because it has an unusual ability to dissolve other chemical substances. Water is the cellular medium within which all biochemical reactions can occur in living organisms. It is the transport medium for food, oxygen and other things needed by cells. Water is one of the vital elements for human life. The total amount of freshwater on earth is 1.4 billion cubic kilometres, but only around 41000 km3 circulates through hydrologic cycle. All the freshwater on earth comes from the rainfall. The amount of rainfall that falls on the continents is finite.
Sources of freshwater resources
Surface water – the freshwater exists in surface water bodies like streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands and man-made reservoirs. It is the most important resource of freshwater available for agricullure, industrial and domestic uses. The surface water flows in our country through 14 major rivers viz. Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna, Cauveri, Tapti, Mahi etc.
Ground water - the freshwater, which is received through rainfall, infiltrates into the soil and supplements underground water reserves. The hydrologic data suggests that the annual rainfall in India is about 400 m ha m. According to an estimate about 9.86% of the total freshwater resources are in the form of ground water. Of all freshwaters, ground water is less likely to be get polluted.
Integrated water resources management (IWRM)
IWRM has been defined as “a coordinated, goal-directed process for controlling the development and use of river, lake, ocean, wetland and other water assets”. It is a comprehensive approach for implementing efficient, equitable and sustainable solution to water and development problems.
Sustainable water management
1.    Construct dams and many small reservoirs.
2.    Develop small catchment dams and protect wetlands.
3.    Desalinize sea water into usable water.
4.    Divert freshwater canals/rivers to dry areas.
5.    Dredge and desilt rivers and water bodies regularly.

Food resources

Food is one of the basic needs of every living organism. Good food is indispensable for health and well being of humans at all stages of life. The food is composed of organic molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The body uses some of the molecules in food to function correctly and stay healthy. The key to good health lies in maintaining balanced nutrition. The major source of human food includes plants or plant products and animal products. The plant products include cereals, pulses, vegetables fruits and spices. The animal products constitute milk or milk products, eggs and meat. Agricultural crops  constitute an important food resource. About 300 crops are grown for food and only 100 are used on a large scale.
Of the earth’s 30,000 plants with edible parts, we eat only about 30 plants. Of this only 15 plants and 8 animal species supply 90% of our food. Four crops such as wheat, rice, corn and potato make up more of the world’s total food production than all others combined. Grain provides about half the world’s calories with 2/3 people eat mainly vegetarian diet. As incomes rise, people consume more animal proteins in the form of meat, eggs, milk, cheese and other products of domesticated live stock. Fruits and vegetables also make a large contribution to human diet. They contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, and complex carbohydrates. Domesticated animals form an important food source. The major domesticated animals used as food are ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, camel, reindeer etc.
Negative Impact of modern agriculture
1.    Declining genetic diversity – leads to loss of genetic diversity of indigenous crop varieties. Selective  farming   causes unformity of crops, monocultures and disease outbreaks.
2.    Soil erosion – Clearing  land for farming may result in soil erosion.
3.    Salinization of soil – soil builds up salt concentration due water logging. Intensive farming reduces soil fertility and productivity.
4.    Desertification – over-grazing is responsible for desertification.
5.    Fertilizer pollution – excessive accumulation of nitrates and phosphates is soil. Rainwater run off cause eutrophication of  surface water bodies and contamination of ground water.
6.    Pesticide pollution – over use of herbicides and insecticides cause chemical contamination of soil; pesticides can enter food chains; pesticides kill beneficial soil organisms.
7.    Other impacts – farming takes up land and reducing habitats and wildlife; irrigation (watering of crops) may take too much of water from rivers and deprive downstream habitats of water.
Sustainable Agriculture
A sustainable agriculture must be economically viable, socially responsible and ecologically sound. An agriculture that uses up or degrade its natural resource base or pollutes the natural environment eventually will lose its ability to produce. Such agriculture is not sustainable.
World food problems
In 1960s, the Green Revolution and advances in technology greatly increased the food production in many countries. There is a saying that “there is plenty of food on the planet, it is just a problem of distribution.” Global demand for food increased as a function of population growth for several decades. At one stage, the world human population surpassed the global food production. After 2001, the agriculture around the world was drastically affected by extreme weather conditions. Diseases affecting the crops and livestock have devastating effects on food production. By 2006, world cereal production has fallen by 2.1 percent. The prices for basic foods such as rice, wheat, and corn have risen 83% since 2005. Many countries experience perpetual food shortages. This results in widespread hunger and malnutrition.
Food security – refers to the availability of food and one’s access to it. Food security is the availability of enough food and access to all people at all times for an active and healthy life. The WHO defines three facets of food security:
1.    Food availability – availability of sufficient quantities of food on a consistent basis.
2.    Food access – sufficient household income to obtain appropriate foods.
3.    Food use – access to safe water, good sanitation and basic health care can make a difference in nutritional well being. They have an impact on body’s ability to utilize consumed foods.

Land resources

Land is one of the major life supporting systems. Land occupies 38% (one fifth) of the total earth’s space. Soil covers about four fifth of the land area. Soil is a biologically active, complex mixture of minerals, organic materials, living organisms, air and water. Soil is an interface between biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Soil is the outer most layer of the earth’s crust (Earth’s living skin-1/3 of surface). Soil is a vital resource that provides food, feed, fuel and fiber.
Soils have four major components: mineral matter, organic matter, air, and water. Mineral matter contains three fractions, sand, silt, and clay. Organic matter contains appreciable quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Air and water occupy the pore spaces in soils. A fertile soil is a living soil containing billions of living organisms in every cubic centimetre. Plant nutrients in the soil are regularly regenerated by decay, decomposition and mineralization of organic matter by living organisms. Living communities in the soil are the basis for its fertility and other properties, which promote healthy plant life. Depletion of soil fertility is caused by removal of vegetation, water logging and application of non-degradable chemicals.
Sustainable Soil Conversion
1. Conservational tillage – ploughing improves soil permeability, soil moisture and nutrients.
2. Organic farming – More organic inputs to soil.
3. Crop rotation – growing legumes after cereal crops.
4. Contour ploughing – ploughing with alternate furrows and ridges.
5. Mulching – Soil is allowed to remain united and is covered with plant litter.
6. Strip cropping – planting in rows or strips.
7. Terrace farming – Hill slope is converted into terraces.
8.  Agrostological methods – Grasses are grown in rotation or along with agricultural crops.
9.  Afforestation – Trees or wind breaks are planted in deserts.

Air resources

Air is one of the natural resources and is a life-supporting system. Air is one of the basic needs of life. It forms the immediate environment of the earth and biosphere. The “air” is actually a mixture of gases. For example, 78% of the atmosphere is made of the nitrogen gas, 21% is composed of oxygen, and 0.9% is made up of argon. The atmosphere contains gases, suspended liquids, and solids that entirely surround the earth. The earth's gravity pulls these gases, liquids, and solids toward the surface.
The composition of air is not fixed. It changes according to the time of the day, the conditions of environment and humans’ activities. Air pollution refers to the presence of foreign particles in air which can affect the quantity of air and the health of living things. Carbon dioxide is supplied into the atmosphere by plant and animal respiration, the decay of organic material, volcanic eruptions, and natural and anthropogenic combustion. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis. CO2 is an important greenhouse gas.
Uses of air resource
1.    Organisms can respire oxygen and survive in the world.
2.    Rainfall in any area depends on wind or air current.
3.    Wind has been used to generate electricity.
4.    Ozone protects the earth from uv rays.
5.    Nitrogen is an important mineral nutrients for plants.
6.    Air acts as a medium for some microorganisms.
7.    Water vapour maintains atmospheric humidity and in precipitation.

Energy resources

         Energy is the capacity to do work move matter. Energy is our most important resource. Energy availability may limit economic and population growth. Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels. Sun is the primary source of energy. According to the first law of thermodynamics, ‘energy and matter can neither be created nor destroyed’. The second law defines that, ‘energy cannot be completely recycled’. Life depends on energy flow through ordered structures of matter.
Energy comes in different forms such as heat (thermal), light (radiant), mechanical, electrical, chemical and nuclear energy. There are two types of energy:
1.    Potential energy – stored energy
2.    Kinetic energy – working energy
Energy is produced usually from fuel burning and atom splitting.  Heat is considered to be low quality energy because it is dispersed. It is commonly a by-product of mechanical work. Electricity is a high quality form of energy because  it can be transported through wires, stored in batteries and used to make other forms of energy.

Kinds of energy resources

Energy resources can be classified into two groups:
1.    Primary energy resources
2.    Secondary energy resources
Primary energy is an energy form found in nature.  Secondary energy refers to all sources of energy those results from the transformation of primary energy resources. For example electricity is a secondary energy obtained from burning coal in a thermal power plant. Primary energy resources can be subdivided into two forms as:
       i.            Non-renewable energy resources
     ii.            Renewable energy resources
The energy sources can also be classified into conventional and non- conventional energy sources.
Conventional energy sources – energy sources which we are using it for a long time at a commercial scale. e.g. fossil fuels and hydroelectric power.
Non-conventional energy sources – energy sources which are in the process of development over the past few years. They are available in plenty and can be replenished naturally. E.g. solar, wind, tidal, geothermal and biomass.

Non-renewable energy resources

A non-renewable energy can be defined as a resource that cannot be reproduced or re-made at a scale comparable to its consumption. Once depleted, there will be no more available for future use. For example fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural gas) take thousands of years to form naturally and cannot be replenished in a short period of time.  Impurities in fossil fuels are a major source of pollution. The burning of fossil fuels produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming.

Renewable energy

Renewable energy resources can be defined as the resources that are naturally replenished, inexhaustible in duration but limited in the amount of energy that is available per unit of time. Renewable energy is obtained from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, tides, waves and geothermal heat. Common applications of renewable energies are electricity generation and motor fuels. Renewable energy resources currently contribute to approximately 18% of total global energy consumption. Examples include:
1.    solar energy ,
2.    hydro power,
3.    tidal power,
4.    wind  energy and
5.    geothermal (energy from the heat inside the earth).

Sustainable conservation of natural resources

Sustainability is a state of balance between resource use and the regenerative capacity of the earth. It can be described as ‘securing quality of life within the limits of nature’. The sustainability can be defined as “forms of progress that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”(Our Common Future 1987 : The World Commission on Environment and Development). Achieving sustainability is a balancing act between current needs and future needs.
Sustainability lies in the interplay of environmental quality, economic vitality and social equity. Ecological sustainability is the maintenance of life support systems and the achievement of natural extinction rate of species. Environmental sustainability refers to the maintenance of natural capital (e.g. natural resources).

The measures for sustainable conservation

Stabilizing population growth- The over-growth of human population has been a critical factor in over-utilizing the natural resources. Human race must willingly practice population control. Population should be stabilized at the level of carrying capacity of the planet earth.
Change-over in energy  use- A change-over is necessary from non-renewable polluting energy to renewable and non-polluting alternative energy resources.
Change – over in technology -A change-over is needed from resource intensive and population – prone technologies to environmental – friendly technologies.
Change–over in economy -The economic development must be environmentally sensitive and sustainable.
Scientific conservation - Conservation is the ‘gospel of efficiency’. Scientific methods should be followed to manage nature and natural resources efficiently.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Developing Higher Educational Institutions

Quotes for reflection

"Education is not something which can be learned,
 it is something you can acquire."   -Swedish Proverb

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Water - chemical structure,characteristics and properties

The earth is the only planet with water which supports life. The planet earth is also called the ‘blue planet’ due to the presence abundant water on its surface. Water occurs on its surface as liquid, ice and gas. Ocean covers 71% of the globe. Freshwater is less than 1%. Ice sheets cover polar region. Glaciers are found in higher mountains.
Water is the bloodstream of the biosphere. Water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on earth. Water sustains life and maintains ecological balance. Water is the essential component of global life support systems. The total amount of water on earth is 1.4 billion cubic kilometers, but only 41,000 km3 circulates in the hydrological cycle.Water is facing a crisis today. Water scarcity affects all social and economic sectors. There are concerns that water will increasingly be the cause of violence and even war. Water is recognized as one of the key limiting resources of this millennium.

Definition of water

Water is a binary compound that is colorless,tasteless, odorless liquid at room temperature.

Characteristics of Water

Water is a simple inorganic molecule. A water molecule has one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.Water is a vital element for human life.The need for water rise along with population growth,urbanization and industrialization. Drought, floods and lack of fresh water may cause global     instability and conflict. Water is an essential element There is no life without water. There is no human activity that does not depend on water. Water is non-substitutable and there is no alternativefor water. Water is finite in quantity. All water comes from the rainfall. The amount of rainfall that falls on the continents is finite. Water is an unique substance. Water is neither created nor destroyed, it only moves from place to place and changes in quality. Water is precious. It costs money to extract, treat, process and distribute.
Unique uses of water - water is a unique solvent, a medium, a nourisher and a participant in biochemical reactions of living organisms. It is a prime element of industrial processes and a medium    for transportation.
Water is s visible and invisible natural substance. Water is the only natural substance that exists       in 3 physical states: solid, liquid and gas.

   Beneficial uses of water:

•         Domestic use-Drinking, Cooking, Bathing, washing.
•         Public use-  irrigation of parks,  Fire fighting, Filling pools
•         Agricultural use-Production of food grains, fruits and vegetables
•         Recreational use-Water sports
•         Industrial use used for cooling and creating steam
•         Environmental use-Habitat for aquatics &wildlife

•     The chemical structure of water 

A  water molecule has one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The two hydrogen atoms bound to one oxygen atom to form a ‘V’ shape at an angle of 105 degree. The length of the bond between the oxygen and the hydrogen is 95.84 pm (picometre). The chemical formula for water is H2O, meaning two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen atom.The water molecule has a tetrahedral structure with oxygen at its center. The two bonds with hydrogen are directed toward two corners of the tetrahedron. The unshared electrons occupy the remaining two corners.
Dielectric character-Oxygen is negatively charged with respect to the hydrogen in the water molecule. Although the water molecule as a whole is electrically neutral, the asymmetric distribution of electrons results in one side being positively charged with respect to the other.
Dipole character -Water has two different poles (dipole), like that of a magnet. The water molecule creates a region of positive charge and region of negative charge. When electrons are shared between oxygen and hydrogen, they are closer to the oxygen than the hydrogen. Therefore the oxygen has a greater negative charge due to the greater electron density. The hydrogen which is not very electronegative will have a greater positive charge due to the lack of electron density.
Water: a polar compound: The polar molecules have the property of attracting each other. As a result water molecules aggregate together. The polarity makes water a universal solvent. Water can dissolve salts, acids, sugars, as well as alkalies and gases. Most cell components including proteins, polysaccharides and DNA dissolve in water making it the basis of life.
Cohesion of water molecules -Cohesion is the force of attraction between molecules of the same substance. The hydrogen bonding between molecules makes water more 'sticky' leading to a higher degree of cohesion and adhesion. Cohesion due to hydrogen bonding contributes to the formation of waves and other water movements that occur in lakes.

Physical properties of water

Water has the highest boiling point, melting point, specific heat, heat of vaporization, latent heat of fusion, viscosity and tensile strength. Water scatters and absorbs light. Water absorbs light at the red end of the spectrum more easily than at the blue end. Water conducts sound waves. Water exerts pressure (i.e. Hydrostatic pressure= weight of the water). Water moves from the area of higher solute concentration to the area of lower solute concentration until equilibrium is reached.

    Chemical properties of water

Water is a source of hydrogen and oxygen for chemical reactions. Water is a highly reactive molecule which can form hydrogen bonds with other molecules. Water molecule each possesses a strongly nucleophilic oxygen atom that enables many of life’s reactions as well as ionizing to produce reactive hydrogen and hydroxide ions. Water combines with salts to form hydrates and reacts with metal oxides to form acids.

Global water cycle

Water evaporates from water bodies like seas, and oceans, lakes and rivers. Water vapor cools and condenses in the clouds. Water precipitates in the form of rain and snow which fall on the soil. Runoff and accumulation forms fresh water lakes, streams, ponds and groundwater.

Biological water cycle

This cycle refers to volume of water content in the living   organisms. Aquatic plants and freshwater animals absorb water from the surrounding medium by osmosis. Trees absorb water through roots from the moist soil. Land animals receive water by feeding and drinking. Plants loose water by transpiration through leaves. Animals loose water by sweating and elimination. After death, bacterial decomposition returns the water  to the environment.

Biological functions of water in humans

•         Water is one of the most essential elements to good health. It transports nutrients and oxygen to cells. It aids metabolic break down of proteins and carbohydrates. It helps in the  digestion and absorption of food. It protects body organs and tissues. It regulates body temperature. It facilitates the excretion of wastes. It lubricates joints and muscle tissues. It moistens tissues of mouth, eyes and nose. It serves as a natural air conditioning system.
Functions of soil water
 Soil water serves as a solvent and carrier of food nutrients for plant growth. It regulates soil temperature. It helps in chemical and biological activities of soil. Crop yield is proportional to the availability of water. Soil forming processes depend upon water.
Importance of water to plants
•      Water is the most abundant constituent of plant cells. Leaves consist of 55-85% water of their fresh weight. Water is fundamental to photosynthesis and respiration. Water maintains turgidity in plants which helps to stand erect.

Biological significance of water  

All life is aquatic.Life originates from water a billion years ago. Water forms a major constituent of life -The cells are filled with water. The tissues are bathed in watery extra cellular fluids. It is a medium for biochemical reactions. Three important types of reactions in water are precipitationacid-base, and oxidation-reduction reactions.
•     Water protects and stabilizes plasma membranes  and  macromolecules. It  protects membrane proteins from de-naturation. It stabilizes lipid-protein-lipid  cell surface by hydrophobic interaction. Water is a habitat for animals - Permanent habitat for many species of fish (8,500 species).Temporary home for amphibians and reptiles (4,200 species).  High surface tension of water allows efficient blood clotting.
•     High electrical conductivity of water permits greater speed of impulse conduction.

Economic importance of water

Water is used in the direct production of agricultural and industrial goods. Water is used to produce energy-hydroelectric power. Water is used in the drilling, mining and processing of fossil fuels such as oil and coal. Water  is used to cool processors and material used in nuclear power plants.

Life–supporting functions of water:

•  Human consumption- (drinking and cooking)
•  Food production (irrigation)
•  Personal hygiene and Sanitation
•  Industrial production, energy generation economic development
•  Environmental protection

10-principles of water management

(Workshop on “Water and population dynamics” IUCN World Conservation congress in Montreal 1996)

  • ·        Value Water
  • ·        Use water sustainably
  • ·        Develop suitable institutions to manage water
  • ·        Collect and disseminate information
  • ·        Maintain a social  and cultural perspective
  • ·        Ensure equitable access to water
  • ·        Use appropriate technology
  • ·        Try to Solve causes, not symptoms -but accept practical solutions
  • ·        Take an ecosystem approach
  • ·        Work as multidisciplinary teams.

Concept of energy and nutrient flow in ecosystems

Concept of energy flow: The sequence of the eaters being eaten is called food chain. The various steps in a food chain are called trophic levels. The transfer of energy from one trophic level to another is called energy flow. The energy enters into an ecosystem in the form of sun light. Only 65% of the sun light can reach the surface of the earth. This solar energy is transformed by green plants through the process of photosynthesis into  stored  chemical energy.
Solar energy +Carbon dioxide + water  ----Photosynthesis-àGlucose (chemical energy)+ oxygen
 This chemical energy is consumed by plant-eating animals (herbivores) which are in turn consumed by meat-eating animals (carnivores). The release of energy from stored sugar is called respiration. Conversion to heat is the ultimate fate of chemical energy. A large amount of energy is lost at each trophic level. No organism ever gets 100 percent of the energy stored in the plant or animal it eats. It is estimated that 80-90 % of the energy is lost, when energy is transferred from one trophic level to another.  On an average of about 10% of the energy available in one trophic level will be transferred to the next. When the nutritional quality of the energy source is high, transfer efficiencies can be much higher than 20 percent. The amount of energy available decreases from step to step. More energy is available at the base of the trophic level. When the food chain is short, the final consumers may get a large amount of energy. But when the food chain is long, the final consumer may get a lesser amount of energy.  The energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction (unidirectional). It flows from the producer level to the consumer level and never in the reverse direction. The energy can be used only once in the ecosystem.

Basic principles of energy flow:

1.    The ultimate source of energy for most ecosystems is sun light.
2.    The ultimate fate of energy in an ecosystem is to be lost as heat.
3.    Energy transfers are never 100 percent efficient. Some energy is lost at each step.
4.    Energy and matter are passed from organism to organism through food chain.
5.    Decomposers return the last energy from the organic  remains of dead organisms.
6.    Energy is never cycled but inorganic elements are cycled in an ecosystem.
Trophic structure
Trophic structure (trophe=nourishment) is two layered in an ecosystem. Trophic level is the position that an organism (Greek for food is trophe) occupies in a food chain.
Autotrophs or producers – plants manufacture their own food from simple inorganic substances.
Heterotrophs or consumers - animals feed on autotrophs or other heterotrophs to obtain energy (herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detrivores and decomposers). Herbivores eat plants and carnivores eat herbivores.
Ecosystems have a hierarchy of feeding relationships.
          Trophic level 1.Primary producers
          Trophic level 2.Herbivores – primary consumers
          Trophic level 3. Carnivores – secondary consumers
          Trophic level 4. Top carnivores – tertiary consumers
Decomposers –micro- consumers – operate at each trophic level.
Since herbivores take their food directly from the producers, they referred as primary consumers. The carnivores feed on other animals (or another type of consumer) are secondary or tertiary consumers. Omnivores feed on both plants and animals (e.g. Human beings, crows). Decomposer are organisms mostly bacteria and fungi that recycle nutrients from decaying organic matter.
Trophic efficiency – refers to the transfer of energy up into the trophic levels e.g. ratio of secondary productivity to primary productivity consumed. Trophic efficiencies generally range from 5 to 20% i.e. only 5 to 20% of primary producer biomass consumed is converted into new consumer biomass. On an average of about 10% of the energy available in one trophic level will be passed on to the next. When the nutritional quality of the energy source is high, transfer efficiencies can be much higher than 20%.

Food chain

Food chain is a straight line sequence of who eats whom. Food chain indicates the transfer of matter and energy from organism to organism. The study of food chains helps in understanding food relationship and interdependence among various organisms in an ecosystem. Food chains maintain ecological balance by regulating population size. In polluted ecosystems food chains biologically magnify toxicity of some chemicals. Long food chains often occur in infertile ecosystems, while short ones are often found in very productive ecosystems.
Types of food chains - there are two types of food chains namely
                             1. Grazing food chains
                             2. Detritus food chains
The two food chains are distinguished by their source of food for the initial consumers. In the grazing food chain, the living plant tissues are the primary source of energy for the initial consumers, herbivores. In the detritus food chain, dead organic matter is the source of energy for the initial consumers like bacteria and fungi.
Grazing food chain – this food chain begins with plants, goes through herbivores and ends in carnivores. Cattle grazing on pastureland, deer browsing in the forest and rabbits feeding in old fields represent the basic consumer groups of grazing food chain.
The grazing food chain is further divided in to (1) Predator food chain and (2) Parasitic food chain.
Predator food chain – In predator chain, one animal captures and devours another animal. The animal which is eaten is called prey and the animal who eats other animals is called predators.
    Prey ------àPredator 1 ------àPredator 2
Parasitic food chain -  The plants and animals are infected by parasites. The parasites derive their energy from their hosts.
Detritus food chain – It starts from dead organic matter and ends in inorganic compounds.
Dead organic matter àDetritivores  à carbon dioxide and water
Detritivores are animals which feed upon dead bodies of animals and plants.  Some amount of energy is trapped and the remainder is excreted in the form simple organic compounds.
Functional significance of food chains
1.    Food chains are the vehicles of transfer of energy from one trophic level to another. They maintain energy flow and nutrient cycling.
2.    Food chains maintain ecological balance by regulating population size.
3.    Food chains biologically magnify toxicity of some chemicals e.g. DDT, metals, called biological magnification.
4.    In many cases the food chains of the ecosystem overlap and interconnect forming a food web.
5.    Long food chains are found in infertile ecosystems and short food chains occur in productive ecosystems.

Food webs

Food webs are networks of feeding interactions among species in an ecological community. The animal Ecologist Charles Elton (1927) introduced the concept of food web (cycle). In all ecosystems, the grazing and detritus food chains are interconnected. Simple food chains are very rare in nature.  This is because each organism may obtain food from more than one trophic level.
In a grassland ecosystem, grass is eaten up by grass hoppers, rabbit and mouse. Grass hopper is eaten up lizard, which is eaten by hawk.
Rabbit is eaten by hawk. Mouse is eaten by snake, which is eaten by hawk.
A food web differs from a food chain in that the food chain shows only a portion of a food web involving a simple linear series of species connected by feeding links. A food web aims to show a more complete picture of the feeding relationships. A food web is a bundle of many interconnected food chains occurring within the community.
The members of the food webs are connected by arrows that point from the consumed to the consumers. These arrows can be interpreted as the direction in which energy flows during feeding. Grazing food webs are more important in grass lands, whereas detritus food webs are more important in forests.
Food webs are very important in maintaining the stability of an ecosystem. For example, the weed grasses are controlled by the herbivores.  When one type of herbivore becomes extinct, the other herbivore increases in number and control vegetation.

Ecological pyramids

The trophic levels in a food chain can be shown graphically through ecological pyramids, with producers at the base and successive levels of consumers forming the higher layers.  Charles Elton (1927) arranged the community of organisms by trophic levels and he found that the arrangement of trophic levels formed a pyramid. Ecological pyramids are of three basic types.
1.    Pyramid of energy
2.    Pyramid of biomass
3.    Pyramid of numbers
Pyramid of energy – An energy pyramid illustrates the amounts of energy available at each successive trophic level. The energy pyramid always shows a decrease of size moving up trophic levels because:
 (1) Only a certain amount of food is captured and eaten by organisms on the next trophic level.
(2) Some of food that is eaten cannot be digested and exits digestive tract as undigested waste.
(3) Only a portion of digested food becomes part of the organism’s body.
(4) Only about 10% of the energy available at a particular trophic level is incorporated into tissues at the next trophic level.
Pyramid of biomass – The pyramid of biomass is calculated by multiplying the average weight for organisms times the number of organisms at each trophic level. The total biomass decreases at each successive trophic level. The biomass is generally more reliable index of energy flow in an ecosystem.
Pyramid of numbers – A pyramid of numbers is based on how many organisms occupy at each trophic level. The number of organisms at each successive level is less. The number over emphasize the importance of small organisms.
 Inverted pyramids – In most of the ecosystems, the number and biomass of producers are more than the consumers. In this type, the pyramid is upright in structure. In some ecosystems, the number and biomass of producers are less and that of consumers are more. In this type, the apex of the pyramid is pointed downwards. This type of pyramid is called inverted pyramid. The inverted pyramid of numbers occurs in a tree ecosystem. A single tree (producer) contain many fruit eating birds (primary consumers). The birds contain many parasites (secondary consumers).   

Key points
1.    The ultimate energy source of ecosystem is the sun.
2.    Energy and matter are transferred from organism to organism through the food chain.
3.    Decomposers remove the last traces of energy from the remains of organisms.

4.    Inorganic nutrients are cycled through an ecosystem but energy is not cycled.